Gourmet Unsweetened Coconut Chips 4 Oz. (12 Pack)
We stock some of the freshest coconut flakes around, packed with a taste and crunch that you'll simply love. And these aren't just any chips; they're Sri Lanka coconut chips that are worldly-renowned for their full flavor and dense serving of nutrients. And we haven't added any sugar so that when you buy unsweetened coconut flakes from us you'll be able to use them in any recipe you wish. Sprinkle some of them into the dough when baking cookies, give your salads a tropical twist, or simply snack on them straight out of the bag. They're also the perfect treat for your dog, giving your pet a shiny coat and an improved immunity system. This is all thanks to the rich serving of minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and fiber found in raw coconut meat.